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History of the Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons (KAROS)
- May:
- 2023 Symposium of The Korea Association of Robotic Surgeons
Date: Mya 12(Fri) - 13(Sat)
Venue: Omnibus Park of the Catholic University of Korea
- April:
- 대한외과학회 산하 분과학회로 승격 "한국외과로봇수술학회"
- May:
- 2022 Symposium of The Korea Association of Robotic Surgeons
Date: May 13(Fri) - 14(Sat)
Venue: EXPO Yeosu Korea Foundation, Convention center, Korea
- May:
- 2021 Symposium of The Korea Association of Robotic Surgeons
Date: May 14(Fri) - 15(Sat)
Venue: Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas, Korea
- November:
- Asian Congress of Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery
Date: November 27(Thur) - 28(Sat)
Venue: Conrad Seoul, Korea
- December:
- International Robotic Surgery Live(IRSL 2019)
Date: December 13(Fri) - 14(Sat)
Venue: Severance Hospita, Seoul, Korea
- May:
- 2019 Symposium of The Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons
Date: May 24(Fri) - 25(Sat)
Venue: Johnson Hall, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea
- May:
- 2018 Symposium of The Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons(KAROS)
Date: May 26(Sat)
Venue: Avison Biomedical Research Center(ABMRC), Yonsei University, Korea
- December:
- International Robotic Surgery Live 2017
Date: December 15(Fri) - 16(Sat)
Venue: Severance Hospita, Seoul, Korea
- November:
- Annual Symposium of The Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons
Date: November 1(Wed) - 4(Sat)
Venue: Grand Hilton Seoul, Korea
- June:
- 2017 Symposium of The Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons (KAROS)
Date: June 2(Sat) - 3(Sun)
Venue: Avison Biomedical Research Center(ABMRC), Yonsei University, Korea
- November:
- ACRS 2016 (Prearranged)
Date: November 25(Fri) – 26(Sat)
Venue: HICO, Gyeongju
- June:
- 2016 Symposium of The Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons (KAROS)
Date: June 10(Fri) – 11(Sat)
Venue: Avison Biomedical Research Center(ABMRC), Yonsei University, Korea
Composed of Workshop (Half day) and Symposium (All day)
- December:
- Attended ACRS 2015(Inaugural Asian Congress of RoboticSurgery)
Date: December 16, Wed– 17, Thu
Venue: New World Millennium Hotel, TsimShaTsui East, HongKong
14 members were appointedas the Faculty Members; 13 members were
announced on behalf of the support of the Korea Medical Devices Industry
Association for participation of International Conferences.
- November:
- 2015 KAROS Workshop (RoboticSingleSite Cholecystectomy)
Date: November 17, Friday
Venue: Robot Training Center, B3,Yonsei Medical Research Center
- May:
- Held an Insurance Session at the Annual Spring Conference of Korean Surgical Society
Date: May 9, Saturday
Venue: EXCO, Daegu
- April:
- 2015 KAROS Workshop (Animal Workshop)
Date: April 25, Saturday
Venue: Robot Training Center, B3,Yonsei Medical Research Center
Opened a public hearing on the 'Recommendation on the Clinical Privilege of Korean
Robotic Surgeons: Agenda of Korean Surgical Society'
- November:
- Annual Symposium of Korean Association of Robotic Surgeons
Date: November 14, Fri– 15, Sat
Venue: Conference room, 15F,New Wing, Gangbuk Samsung Hospital
- May:
- Annual Spring Conference of Korean Surgical Society
Date: May 24, Saturday
Venue: BEXCO, Busan
- September:
- Annual Symposium of theKoreanAssociation of Robotic Surgeons
Date: September 26, Thu- 28, Sat
Venue: Seminar Room,Leekunhee Hall (1F)&Yonsei Laboratory Animal Research
Center (B3), Yonsei Medical Research Center
- May:
- The Korean Robotic Surgical Symposium
Date: May 11,Saturday
Venue: Yugwangsa Hall, 2nd Floor, School of Medicine, Korea University
- May:
- Inaugural Assembly of the KoreanAssociation of Robotic Surgeons
Time and Date: 13:00, May 11,Saturday
Venue: Yugwangsa Hall, 2ndFloor, School of Medicine, Korea University
- April16:
- Received approval to become anAffiliated Organization to the Korean Surgical
(Date of acceptance: April 27, 2013)
- March:
- ThirdPreparatory Committee
Discussed the name and future direction of the association; propelled the plan to
become an Affiliated Organization to the Korean Surgical Society
- February:
- SecondPreparatory Committee
Discussed the name of the association;reviewed regulation of the association;
scheduled the programs of the Inaugural Assembly and the means of recruiting
- January:
- First Preparatory Committee